Two Post-Oscar Olympic Observations

Two Post-Oscar Olympic Observations The 2018 Winter Olympics concluded just as my wife and I were leaving for an overseas trip. Thanks to YouTube TV, we have a recording of the closing ceremonies that we can enjoy when we get home. When the Winter Olympics were finished the media buzz immediately went on to the […]

The Research Stall

The Research Stall Let’s face it. Even the least change-averse person among us still has a resistance to change. Even the change champion feels hesitation. Sometimes we find ways to disguise our resistance and delay action even when we want to move forward. Consider the following. An Ongoing Magic Debate Last week I answered an […]

Small Action, Big Impact

Small Action, Big Impact Have you ever considered the impact that a small action or decision can have on your audience? Something you consider minor can have an enormous impact on a customer, client, or anyone else who is paying attention to your brand. Here’s a real-world experience that may give you something to think […]

Magical Brand Experiences: A Tale of Two Twitters, Part 2

Magical Brand Experiences: A Tale of Two Twitters, Part 2 As I stated last time, I recently had the occasion to attend two conventions in two different cities and had a remarkably negative experience with a hotel. However, I had a tremendously positive experience the following week which illustrates how magical it is when a […]

Magical Brand Experiences: A Tale of Two Twitters, Part 1

Magical Brand Experiences: A Tale of Two Twitters, Part 1 I recently had the occasion to attend two conventions in two different cities. One trip brought a memorable but non-magical experience with a brand that I’m sure the company wishes they could erase. The other trip brought a fantastic brand experience that illustrates how magical […]

Cultivating Leaders for Leadership

Cultivating Leaders for Leadership   I’ve heard a lot of complaining about leadership qualities with regard to what is almost universally acknowledged as a disappointing selection of U.S. presidential candidates this cycle. Admittedly, I’ve contributed more than my share of complaints about leaders. Today, however, I saw a local leader in my community participate in […]

Sales: The Point Where the Salesman Lost Me

Sales: The Point Where the Salesman Lost Me (or “Stopping When the Sale Is Made”)   The Set-Up One of the most important things for a salesperson to learn is how to stop selling when the sale is made. Today I had an experience that reinforced that concept for me. I thought we all might […]

Atlanta Magician and Atlanta Speaker Turner Interviewed on “Cringe” Podcast

Atlanta Magician and Atlanta Speaker Turner Interviewed on “Cringe” Podcast Marc van Bulck, a Presbyterian pastor in Ohio and a magic hobbyist, recently interviewed me for his podcast called “Cringe.” Marc’s podcast is subtitled, “Conversations with Nerds, Artists, and Theologians” – and perhaps all of them apply in this case! In this episode we talk […]

Turner Performs in All-Star Atlanta Magicians Show at Tucker Rec Center

Turner Performs in All-Star Atlanta Magicians Show at Tucker Rec Center     Last week, I joined four other Atlanta magicians onstage (plus another half-dozen in crew and backstage support) in a community relations effort on behalf of the Georgia Magic Club, Ring 9 of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. On Wednesday, June 3, members […]