Evaluating the Quality of Unique Services

Most people have never experienced live magic or mentalism, and even fewer have had to book a performer or speaker for an event. Here are 6 tips for evaluating the quality of providers of unique services when you lack a large set of real-life “data points” from which to make your assessments.

Reviews, Recommendations, and Referrals

It’s no secret that positive feedback from my previous clients is a key factor in the buying decisions of my new clients. Most of my clients are eager to give their recommendation, but gone are the days when a binder of recommendation letters was the best way to collect stories from happy customers. I love […]

“One Enchanted Evening” in Vicksburg Sept 8

Mississippi Native Turner Brings Magic, Music From Atlanta to Vicksburg NOTE: Listen to a radio interview about this upcoming appearance! Interview by Annette Kirklin on The Directors Report, WVBG Radio, Vicksburg, MS (8/17/2011) Atlanta speaker and entertainer Joe M. Turner will perform “One Enchanted Evening” at the Southern Cultural Heritage Center on Thursday, September 8. […]

Recent Interviews and News Stories

Atlanta speaker, mentalist, and magician Joe M. Turner is the South’s most-recommended magical entertainer and speaker based on LinkedIn and Google results. This post contains links to several interviews and media appearances in recent weeks.

On the Essential, Eternal Question of Pricing…

When a client contacts a professional speaker or entertainer for a possible engagement, the one issue everyone knows must be addressed – but which nobody wants to be the first to mention – is the fee. Joe M. Turner examines the issue via a quote of disputed origin but undisputed relevance.

The Path of At Least Some Resistance, Please

One of the familiar idioms in our language has to do with “finding the path of least resistance.” We use this phrase to describe the flow of currents – water, electricity, even people. It is sometimes applied to discussions about process and workflow design, and is occasionally even used to describe personality traits in people, […]

Foreground, Background, and Perspective

By looking at your combination of skills and occasionally putting emphasis on skills you might have left in the background, you are likely to find that the labels you have put on yourself are woefully insufficient to describe the true and expanding depth of your real capacity.