The Gig Site Dilemma:
To Bash, To Bark, To Tack, or To Have a Salad?

Those of us who have worked as independent entertainers (and industry, motivational, or inspirational keynote speakers) for the last couple of decades have seen the coming and going of a variety of services that are often referred to as “gig sites.” They may seem like a blessing to many buyers, but to the working professional […]
The Classics Are Evergreen

I was recently booked to entertain at a conference in downtown Atlanta. My appearances took place over the course of two days. The first event was a four-hour hospitality event for about a hundred people, mostly Canadian, who worked at various companies that partnered with my client organization in some way. The next day I […]
Magic, Memory, and Harry

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Harry Lorayne changed my life. I first encountered Harry’s work back in high school, when I happened across a copy of The Memory Book, one of dozens of books on mnemonic memory systems that Harry wrote. I read it while on a summer vacation with my […]
Don’t Forget the Rest of You.

Don’t Forget the Rest of You. I want to share a thought that has been percolating in my mind, heart, and soul for a long time. I believe it’s important, and I offer it to you as a gift at the end of a year that has been full of incredible challenges and opportunities for […]
An Amazing Audio Illusion

Yesterday I encountered an interesting illusion online. While I’m accustomed to finding a variety of optical illusions, this one was an audio illusion. These illusions are much rarer. I saw this shared by various people on Instagram and Reddit. Here’s the illusion; I’ll provide the source below after you have a chance to listen. […]
The Pursuit of Clarity on Clubhouse

Android users were welcomed to the Clubhouse audio chat app yesterday. This evening I joined a London-based room discussing the question of “Choosing Your Thoughts.” It was a discussion that drew a lot of people. Some had credible answers. Some were seeking a sort of crowd-therapy. Some were very long-winded. It was informative to me […]
As I Was Saying…

After Steve Allen’s departure as the first host of NBC’s The Tonight Show in early 1957, the network mistakenly tinkered around with their winning formula. Six months later they realized their error, rebooted the show, and named Jack Paar the host. Probably the most memorable thing about Paar’s tenure was the censorship kerfluffle of 1960. […]