Magical Brand Experiences: A Tale of Two Twitters, Part 1

Magical Brand Experiences: A Tale of Two Twitters, Part 1 I recently had the occasion to attend two conventions in two different cities. One trip brought a memorable but non-magical experience with a brand that I’m sure the company wishes they could erase. The other trip brought a fantastic brand experience that illustrates how magical […]

Cultivating Leaders for Leadership

Cultivating Leaders for Leadership   I’ve heard a lot of complaining about leadership qualities with regard to what is almost universally acknowledged as a disappointing selection of U.S. presidential candidates this cycle. Admittedly, I’ve contributed more than my share of complaints about leaders. Today, however, I saw a local leader in my community participate in […]

Sales: The Point Where the Salesman Lost Me

Sales: The Point Where the Salesman Lost Me (or “Stopping When the Sale Is Made”)   The Set-Up One of the most important things for a salesperson to learn is how to stop selling when the sale is made. Today I had an experience that reinforced that concept for me. I thought we all might […]

Atlanta Magician and Atlanta Speaker Turner Interviewed on “Cringe” Podcast

Atlanta Magician and Atlanta Speaker Turner Interviewed on “Cringe” Podcast Marc van Bulck, a Presbyterian pastor in Ohio and a magic hobbyist, recently interviewed me for his podcast called “Cringe.” Marc’s podcast is subtitled, “Conversations with Nerds, Artists, and Theologians” – and perhaps all of them apply in this case! In this episode we talk […]

Turner Performs in All-Star Atlanta Magicians Show at Tucker Rec Center

Turner Performs in All-Star Atlanta Magicians Show at Tucker Rec Center     Last week, I joined four other Atlanta magicians onstage (plus another half-dozen in crew and backstage support) in a community relations effort on behalf of the Georgia Magic Club, Ring 9 of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. On Wednesday, June 3, members […]

Atlanta Magician Turner Headlines at Florida’s Wizardz Magic Theater

Atlanta Magician Turner Headlines at Florida’s Wizardz Magic Theater This week brought a return to sunny Florida and the lovely Wizardz Magic Theatre in Kissimmee, Florida. Wizardz Magic Theater at Seralago Hotel & Suites has been presenting weekly magic from a parade of outstanding performers since August 2009. This marks the third time I’ve performed […]

Whether in Magic or Branding, the Tools Are Not the Art

Whether in Magic or Branding, the Tools Are Not the Art   What do arcane arguments over magic tricks or other performing arts have to do with your brand and your branding? Read on! In the field of sleight-of-hand magic, seemingly innocuous conversations can sometimes bubble over into a rage over the most unlikely topics. […]

Branding, Engagement, and the Limits of Applause

Branding, Engagement, and the Limits of Applause   There is nothing quite like the sound of applause, but strong brands and strong leaders remember that applause is temporary. To build a lasting relationship and have a lasting impact requires more than the fleeting expression of momentary approval. Those more significant outcomes require brand engagement. “What […]

Your Brand and the Amazing 1975 Lunchroom Cinnamon Roll

Your Brand and the Amazing 1975 Lunchroom Cinnamon Roll   What does your brand have in common with a lunchroom cinnamon roll? I have vivid memories of first grade, some of which center around the bewildering world of the school cafeteria. At Green Elementary School in Jackson, Mississippi, I would stroll into what I recall […]